- marshall/unmarshall event callbacks (alternative to listener):
- beforeUnmarshal
- afterUnmarshal
- beforeMarshal
- afterMarshal
- javax.xml.bind.Binder: partial binding to a Java representation (updateXML/updateJAXB methods)
- JAXBElement offers support for:
- type substitution (xsi:type)
- element substitution groups (xsd:substitutionGroup)
- wildcards (xsd:any, xsd:anyAttribute)
- Whereas an instance of a Java value class or content interface only represents the value of an element, an instance of JAXBElement represents all element declaration features (qualified name, value, type, nil and scope)
- JAX-WS strips the JAXBElement wrapper off the type of a method parameter
- The original schema is more precise for validation purposes than the one generated from the schema-derived classes
- The default binding rule only generates an "element property" when a property represents an element that is substitutable
- The default bindings for mixed content and wildcard result in a hybrid mixture of strongly typed Java instances with DOM nodes or java.lang.String, representing text info
Tuesday, 3 January 2012
JAXB Notes
Web Services