There are 13 kinds of
components, falling into 3 group:
- element declaration (named) - element
- attribute declaration (named) - attribute
- simple type definition (anonymous or named) - simpleType
- complex type defintion (anonymous or named) - complexType
- secondary components (all named):
- group definition components (re-usable definitions):
- model group definition - group
- attribute group definition - attributeGroup
- identity-constraint definitions - unique, key, keyref
- notation declaration - notation
- helper components (providing small parts of
other components):
- model group components (complex types content description):
- model groups - all, choice, sequence
- particles (element, group, any) - minOccurs, maxOccurs
- attribute uses - required, default, fixed
- wildcards - any, anyAttribute (and anyType)
- annotations- documentation, appinfo