Main points:
- no SOAP encoding
- for rpc-literal bindigs, parts are defined with the "type" attribute
- for document-literal bindigs, parts are defined with the "element" attribute
- for document-literal bindings, at most one part is in the soap body
- valid wsdl operations: one-way and request-response only
- operation name overloading is forbidden (two operations with the same name)
- an endpoint that supports multiple operations must unambiguously identify the operation being invoked based on the input message that it receives. This is only possible if all the operations specified in the wsdl:binding associated with an endpoint have a unique operation signature (i.e. one input message type = one operation)
- with rpc-literal bindings, the response must have a wrapper element whose name is the corresponding wsdl:operation name suffixed with the string "Response"
- with rpc-literal bindings, the wrapper elements for parameters and return value have no namespace