<IfModule !mod_auth_ldap.c>
LoadModule auth_ldap_module modules/auth_ldap.so
<IfModule mod_auth_ldap.c>
LDAPSharedCacheFile logs/ldap_cache
<Directory /caps/wwwstatus/>
AuthName "My Restricted Area"
AuthType Basic
# AuthLDAPURL should point to your ldap server
AuthLDAPURL ldap://localhost:389/o=ORG?cn
# LDAP Login
AuthLDAPBindDN cn=auser,ou=serviceusers,ou=services,o=ORG
AuthLDAPBindPassword pwd
# AuthLDAPGroupAttribute memberUid
AuthLDAPGroupAttributeIsDN on
require group cn=GROUP,ou=GROUPS,o=ORG
<Directory /caps/wwwstatus/data/>
# Allow access to Javadoc without authentication - needed to link when generating javadoc
Satisfy Any
Allow from all